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domingo, 8 de janeiro de 2012

Vídeo: O naufrágio do MV Rena


Um navio cargueiro fundeado ao largo da costa da Nova Zelândia desde Outubro se partiu ao meio após ter sido atingido pelas águas revoltas do mar, despejando contenedores e destroços no mar, e causando temor de que um novo derramamento de óleo possa chegar à praia. 
Somente a parte dianteira do MV Rena ainda está na posição original, mas a popa se destacou do restante, tendo-se movido por cerca de 30 metros, e assim continua,  açoitada por onda de 6 metros.

Mais de 1.100 toneladas de óleo foram retiradas do MV Rena, mas restam ainda umas 385 toneladas a bordo – aproximadamente a mesma quantidade que vá havia vazado ao mar.
O navio de nadeira grega Rena chcou-se contra o Recife Astrolábio Reef, a 22km de distância do Porto de Tauranga, no norte da Ilha Norte, na Nova Zelândia, dia 5 de outubro, derramando óleo pesado no mar, o que causou a morte de até 20.000 aves marinhas, no pior desastre ambiental do país.

A cargo ship grounded off the New Zealand coast since October has split into two pieces after being lashed by pounding seas, spilling sea containers and debris and sparking fears a fresh oil spill could wash ashore, maritime officials said on Sunday. 

The officials said that the front section of the wreck remains stuck in its original position, but the stern section has broken off, slipped at least 100ft (30m) away from the bow and is "moving significantly," pounded by 19ft (6m) swells.
"There has been a significant discharge of containers and container debris from the ship," said Maritime New Zealand spokesman Ross Henderson, warning that the storm will continue for another three to four days.
Oil clean up teams had "been activated to respond to the potential release of oil from the ship and to treat any affected wildlife," he said in a statement.
Salvage crews have removed more than 1,100 tons of oil from the stricken vessel. But about 385 tons remain on board – about the same amount that has already leaked into the sea.
The Greek-owned Rena ran aground on Astrolabe Reef 14 miles (22km) from Tauranga Harbour on New Zealand's North Island on October 5, spewing heavy fuel oil into the seas, fouling beaches and killing up to twenty thousand sea birds in what has been described as the country's worst maritime environmental disaster.

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