Concepção artística do Falcon HTV-2, um avião não-tripulado, lançado por foguete, que voa a umas 13.000 milhas por hora.
Quavo você tiver acabado de ler esta frase, o Falcon HTV-2, mais veloz avião já construído, já deverá ter voado cerca de18 milhas. Ele faria o trajeto Londres-Sydney (Austrália) em menos de uma hora, suportando temperaturas de quase 2.000ºC, mais quente que o ponto de fusão do aço.
A Falcon começou a ganhar vida em 2003, parte de umprojeto de pesquisas militares dos Estado Unidos para fazer um avião que pudesse alcançar (e possivelmente jogar bombas) qualquer parte do mundo em menos de uma hora.
O voo de quinta-feira também testará o material composto de fibras de carbono projetados para suportar as temperaturas extremas temperaturas que o avião experimentará em sua fuselagem, e também os sistemas de navegação que controlarão sua trajetória enquanto ele se move a quase quatro milhas por segundo.
O projeto e padrões da missão do avião foram revistos desde que um teste de voo foi abortado, em abril do ano passado. Nove minutos decorridos daquela missão, que permaneceu em voo por 139 segundos à velocidade de Mach 22 (16.700mph), o computador de bordo detectou uma anomalia e ordenou ao avião que mergulhasse no oceano por motivos de segurança.
Militares dos EUA perderam contato com Falcon, esta quinta-feira, no teste de voo sobre o pacífico. Com essa segunda derrota, o projeto foi cancelado.Veja, no vídeo abaixo, como seria o Falcon.
Artist's rendition of the Falcon HTV-2, an unmanned, rocket-launched aircraft that flies at approximately 13,000 miles per hour.
By the time you finish reading this sentence, the Falcon HTV-2, the fastest plane ever built, could have flown 18 miles. It would get from London to Sydney in less than an hour, while withstanding temperatures of almost 2,000C, hotter than the melting point of steel.
At 3pm BST on Thursday , the US Defence Advance Research Projects Agency will launch the Falcon Hypersonic Technology Vehicle 2 on the back of a rocket from the Vandenberg Air Force Base in California. If all goes to plan, engineers will launch the Falcon HTV-2 to the edge of space, before detaching the plane and guiding it on a hypersonic flight that will reach speeds of 13,000mph (about 20 times the speed of sound) on its return to Earth.
At 3pm BST on Thursday , the US Defence Advance Research Projects Agency will launch the Falcon Hypersonic Technology Vehicle 2 on the back of a rocket from the Vandenberg Air Force Base in California. If all goes to plan, engineers will launch the Falcon HTV-2 to the edge of space, before detaching the plane and guiding it on a hypersonic flight that will reach speeds of 13,000mph (about 20 times the speed of sound) on its return to Earth.
The Falcon started life in 2003, part of a US military research project to build a plane that could reach (and potentially deliver bombs to) any part of the world in less than an hour.
The plane has been tested in computer models and wind tunnels, but they can only simulate speeds up to Mach 15 (11,400mph). A real test is the only way to determine if the plane will remain flying at high speeds.
Thursday's flight will also test the carbon composite materials designed to withstand the extreme temperatures the plane will experience on its skin and also the navigation systems that will control its trajectory as it moves at almost four miles per second.
The design and flight pattern of the plane has been tweaked since an aborted test flight in April last year. Nine minutes into that mission, which succeeded in flying for 139 seconds at Mach 22 (16,700mph), the onboard computer detected an anomaly and ordered the plane to ditch into the ocean for safety reasons.
US military officials have lost contact with the fastest plane ever built during a hypersonic test flight over the Pacific on Thursday. The project is cancelled. See how it would be in the video below.
US military officials have lost contact with the fastest plane ever built during a hypersonic test flight over the Pacific on Thursday. The project is cancelled. See how it would be in the video below.
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