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terça-feira, 1 de março de 2011

Lunch time / Hora do almoço

Eis uma cobra abocanhando um sapo. O guia turístico e fotógrafo Luis Fernando Espin captou a cena na Bacia Amazônica, no Equador.

"Eu me preparava para almoçar e estava caminhando de minha cabana para a sala de jantar quando vi a cobra (Chironius exoeletus). Eu percebi que ela estava agarrando o sapo arbóreo (Osteocephallus taurinus) por sua perna.

Corri para pegar minha câmera e tirei várias fotos dela em ação." Quarenta e cinco minutos depois a cobra ainda estava comendo o sapo e tirei as últimas fotos antes de ela o engolir."

Here's a snake with a frog in its throat. Tour guide and photographer Luis Fernando Espin captured the scene in the Amazon Basin, Ecuador.

"I was ready to have lunch and was walking from my cabin to the dining room when I saw the snake (Chironius exoeletus). I realised the snake was grabbing the tree frog (Osteocephallus taurinus) by its leg.

I ran to grab my camera and took several pictures of it in action."

Forty-five minutes later the snake was still eating the frog and I took the last pictures before it swallowed it."

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