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sábado, 16 de outubro de 2010

Jimmy Mubenga's killing / O assassinato de Jimmy Mubenga

O angolano Jimmy Mubenga morreu durante sua deportação do Reino Unido.
A unidade de homicídios da Scotland Yard assumiu as investigações sobre a morte do cidadão angolano, ocorrida durante sua deportação no Aeroporto de Heathrow, e os parlamentares pedem um amplo e independente inquérito sobre o sistema de deportação britânico.

Jimmy Mubenga entrou em colapso e morreu após guardas de segurança  terem tentado escoltá-lo até um avião da British Airways com destino a Angola, terça-feira à noite.
Quatro passageiros do avião disseram ao jornal The Guardian ter visto Mubenga,  46, cinco filhos, sendo imobilizado com força pelos guardas, funcionários da G4S, uma firma de segurança privada contratada para escoltar deportandos para o Departamento de Imigração.
A polícia e paramédicos foram chamados quando Mubenga perdeu a consciência, e o avião, prestes a decolar, retornou ao terminal.

Keith Vaz, presidente do comitê de assuntos internos da Casa dos Comuns, disse que irá questionar a secretária da Imigração, Theresa May, e a firma G4S sobre as circunstâncias da morte.

Vaz disse: "O uso de força excessiva em deportações é perigoso e inaceitável.Se, como sugerem os relatos das testemunhas oculares, Mubenga reclamava de não conseguir respirar, deve-se perguntar por que não foi pedida ajuda antes".

O discurso político de sempre. A questão é que Mubenga era "apenas" um africano, angolano. Assim como Jean Charles, covardemente assassinado pela polícia britânica, pelas costas, era "só" um brasileiro. Sua família lutou bravamente pela punição dos seus assassinos, mas ninguém foi punido. Com os matadores de Mubenga será igual. Alguém duvida?

Jimmy Mubenga died during deportation from the UK. Photograph: Graeme Robertson
Scotland Yard's homicide unit took over the investigation into the death of an Angolan man during a deportation from Heathrow as MPs called for a "wide-ranging and independent inquiry" into the UK's deportation system.

Jimmy Mubenga collapsed and died after security guards attempted to escort him on a British Airways commercial flight to Angola on Tuesday night.
Four passengers on the aircraft have told the Guardian that they saw Mubenga, a 46-year-old father of five, being heavily restrained by the guards, who worked for G4S, a private security firm contracted to escort deportees for the Home Office.
Police and paramedics were called when Mubenga lost consciousness, and the aircraft, which had been due to take off, returned to the terminal.

Keith Vaz, chair of the Commons home affairs select committee, said he would be writing to the home secretary, Theresa May, and G4S about possible questions surrounding the death. Ed Balls, the shadow home secretary, is also expected to raise concerns over Mubenga's death in parliament next week.
Vaz said: "The use of excessive force in deportations is dangerous and unacceptable. If, as eyewitness reports suggest, Mr Mubenga was complaining of breathing difficulties, questions must be asked as to why help was not called for sooner.

"I will be writing to both the home secretary and G4S on this matter whilst awaiting the outcome of police investigations. When removing people from the UK, human rights must be fully respected at all times."
May turned down a request from Balls to be briefed about the case on confidential privy council terms, his spokesman confirmed.

The same old political speeech.The question is that Mubenga was "just" an African, Angolan. As Jean Charles, cowardly killed by the Metro Police, shot from back on the head, nine times, was "only" a Brazilian citizen...His family fought bravely for the punishment of his assassins, but no one was sentenced. The same will happen to Mubenga's killers. Does anybody have any doubt about it?

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