Detecting and predicting lightning just got a lot easier. The first images from a new instrument onboard NOAA’s GOES-16 satellite are giving NOAA National Weather Service forecasters richer information about lightning that will help them alert the public to dangerous weather.
O primeiro detector de relâmpagos em órbita geoestacionária, o Geostationary Lightning Mapper (GLM), está transmitindo dados nunca antes disponíveis aos previsores do tempo. O mapeador procura continuamente por clarões de relâmpagos no Hemisfério Oste, para que os previsores do tempo saibam quando uma tempestade está se formando, intensificando e tornando-se mais perigosa. Rapidos aumentos de relâmpagos são um sinal de que uma tempestade está se espalhando rapidamente e pode causar condições climáticas severas.
During heavy rain, GLM data will show when thunderstorms are stalled or if they are gathering strength. When combined with radar and other satellite data, GLM data may help forecasters anticipate severe weather and issue flood and flash flood warnings sooner. In dry areas, especially in the western United States, information from the instrument will help forecasters, and ultimately firefighters, identify areas prone to wildfires sparked by lightning.
The first lightning detector in a geostationary orbit, the Geostationary Lightning Mapper (GLM), is transmitting data never before available to forecasters. The mapper continually looks for lightning flashes in the Western Hemisphere, so forecasters know when a storm is forming, intensifying and becoming more dangerous. Rapid increases of lightning are a signal that a storm is strengthening quickly and could produce severe weather.
During heavy rain, GLM data will show when thunderstorms are stalled or if they are gathering strength. When combined with radar and other satellite data, GLM data may help forecasters anticipate severe weather and issue flood and flash flood warnings sooner. In dry areas, especially in the western United States, information from the instrument will help forecasters, and ultimately firefighters, identify areas prone to wildfires sparked by lightning.
O rastreamento preciso de relâmpagos e tempestades de trovões sobre os oceanos, demasiado distantes para radares baseados em solo e, às vezes, difíceis de ver por satélites, irá prover apoio à navegação segura para aviadores e marinheiros.
O novo mapeador também detecta relãmpagos no interior de nuvens, os quais frequentemente ocorrem entre cinco e dez minutos ou mais antes raios potencialmente mortais nuvem-solo. Isso significa mais tempo precioso para os previsores do tempo alertarem pessoas envolvidas em atividades externas a respeito da ameaça em desenvolvimento.
Tradução de Luiz Leitão da Cunha
Accurate tracking of lightning and thunderstorms over the oceans, too distant for land-based radar and sometimes difficult to see with satellites, will support safe navigation for aviators and mariners.
The new mapper also detects in-cloud lightning, which often occurs five to 10 minutes or more before potentially deadly cloud-to-ground strikes. This means more precious time for forecasters to alert those involved in outdoor activities of the developing threat.
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