O que causa as cascas que circundam a peculiar galáxia Cen A?
Em 2002, uma fascinante imagem da peculiar galáxia Centauro A foi divulgada, processada para ressaltar um tênue arco azul indicador de uma colisão em andamento com uma galáxia menor.
Outra característica interessante de Cen A, é o sistema de cascas circundantes, melhor visíveis aqui nesta panorâmica mais ampla recentemente divulgada pelo telescópio de quatro metros do Observatório Cerro Tololo Interamericano.
Cascas esmaecidas em torno de galáxias não são incomuns e são consideradas em si indícios de uma fusão galáctica anterior, de forma parecida com as ondulações de água em um lago.
Um atributo inesperado dessas cascas é a abundância de gás, que deveria ter se separado das estrelas existentes durante a colisão.
What causes the surrounding shells in peculiar galaxy Cen A?
In 2002 a fascinating image of peculiar galaxy Centaurus A was released, processed to highlight a faint blue arc indicating an ongoing collision with a smaller galaxy.
Another interesting feature of Cen A, however, is the surrounding system of shells, better visible here in this recently released wider pan from the four meter Blanco telescope at Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory.
Faint shells around galaxies are not unusual and considered by themselves as evidence of a previous galaxy merger, analogous to water ripples on a pond.
An unexpected attribute of these shells is the abundance of gas, which should become separated from existing stars during the collision.
In 2002 a fascinating image of peculiar galaxy Centaurus A was released, processed to highlight a faint blue arc indicating an ongoing collision with a smaller galaxy.
Another interesting feature of Cen A, however, is the surrounding system of shells, better visible here in this recently released wider pan from the four meter Blanco telescope at Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory.
Faint shells around galaxies are not unusual and considered by themselves as evidence of a previous galaxy merger, analogous to water ripples on a pond.
An unexpected attribute of these shells is the abundance of gas, which should become separated from existing stars during the collision.
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