Raios laser da Osram Opto Semiconductors são o núcelo da mais recente e potente série de diodos a laser de pares de fibras Laserline.
O sistema completo é refrigerado a água e fornece entre 2 e 15 níveis de mais de 40%, devido à alta eficiência das barras de laser usadas.
A série de barras de laser SPL BKxx- 40WFT produz radiação infravermelha em vários comprimentos de onda, entre 915 e 1020 nanômetros (nm).
Como resultado de seus valores de grande eficiência de até 65%, as barras têm um longo tempo de vida operacional, atendendo assim as exigências de lasers industriais.
Laser bars from Osram Opto Semiconductors are the core of the latest and most powerful fiber-coupled diode laser series of Laserline.
The complete system is water-cooled and supplies between 2 and 15 levels of more than 40 percent, due to the high efficiency of the used laser bars.
The laser bar series SPL BKxx- 40WFT produces infrared radiation in various wavelengths, ranging from 915 to 1020 nanometers (nm).
As a result of their excellent efficiency values of up to 65 percent, the bars achieve a long operating lifetime, thus meeting the requirements for industrial laser systems.
The complete system is water-cooled and supplies between 2 and 15 levels of more than 40 percent, due to the high efficiency of the used laser bars.
The laser bar series SPL BKxx- 40WFT produces infrared radiation in various wavelengths, ranging from 915 to 1020 nanometers (nm).
As a result of their excellent efficiency values of up to 65 percent, the bars achieve a long operating lifetime, thus meeting the requirements for industrial laser systems.
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