Um estudo diz que psicopatas conseguem o afeto de ambos, superiores e subordinados no trabalho.
Um em cada 25 homens de negócios pode ser um psicopata.
O estudo, conduzido pelo psicólogo novaiorquino Paul Babiak, sugere que eles dissimulam a condição se escondendo atrás de seu alto status, jogando seu charme e manipulando os outros.
Fatores ambientais favoráveis como um infância feliz significam que eles podem atuar no local de trabalho, em vez de canalizar suas energias para propósitos mais violentos. Ao revelar os resultados em um documentário daa BBC Horizon, Babiak disse: "Psicopatas realmente não são o tipo de pessoa que se pensa serem.
"Na verdade, qualquer um pode viver ou estar casado com alguém por 20 anos ou mais sem saber que a pessoa é um psicopata.
"Nós identificamos indivíduos que podem ser rotulados como 'o psicopata de sucesso'.
"Parte do problema é que aquilo mesmo que buscamos em nossos líderes os psicopatas conseguem facilmente simular.
"Sua tendência natural é ser encantadores. Ao pegar aquele charme e o direcionar à linguagem de negócios certa, a pessoa parecerá ser a liderança carismática."
Babiak preparou um questionário com 111 tópicos com o professor Bob Hare, da Universidade da Colúmbia Britânica, no Canadá, um renomado especialista em psicopatia. Hare acredita que em torno de 1% dos americanos podem ser descritos como psicopatas.
A pesquisa sugere que psicopatas são, na verdade, fracos em gerenciamento, mas são bons em subir a escala corporativa porque conseguem encobrir suas fraquezas ao sutilmente seduzirem superiores e subordinados.
"Mas se alguém reparar no desempenho deles e em suas classificações como líderes de equipe e de produtividade, se desapontará. Boa aparência, mau desempenho.
"É preciso ver os psicopatas como tendo à disposição deles um enorme repertório de de comportamentos. Então, eles usam a sedução, manipulção, intimidação, o que for preciso.
"Um psicopata pode, de fato, se colocar na sua pele, intelectualmente, mas não emocionalmente (fingir empatia).
"Eles conseguem dizer o que você pensa, observar sua linguagem corporal, conseguem prestar atenção, ouvir o que alguém diz, mas o que eles realmente não fazem é sentir o mesmo que o outro.
"O que isso permite a eles fazer é usar as palavras para manipular e iludir, e para interagir com o outro sem o ônus de sentir a dor alheia."
• Horizon: Você é Bom ou Mau? ira ao ar pela BBC2 às 21h00 (BST), quarta-feira, 7 de setembro.
The study says psychopaths are able to gain affection from both their superiors and subordinates at work.
One out of every 25 business leaders could be psychopathic, a study claims.
The study, conducted by the New York psychologist Paul Babiak, suggests that they disguise the condition by hiding behind their high status, playing up their charm and by manipulating others.
Favourable environmental factors such as a happy childhood mean they can function in a workplace rather than channelling their energies in more violent or destructive ways. Revealing the results in a BBC Horizon documentary, Babiak said: "Psychopaths really aren't the kind of person you think they are.
"In fact, you could be living with or married to one for 20 years or more and not know that person is a psychopath.
"We have identified individuals that might be labelled 'the successful psychopath'.
"Part of the problem is that the very things we're looking for in our leaders, the psychopath can easily mimic.
"Their natural tendency is to be charming. Take that charm and couch it in the right business language and it sounds like charismatic leadership."
Babiak designed a 111-point questionnaire with Professor Bob Hare, of the University of British Columbia in Canada, a renowned expert in psychopathy. Hare believes about 1% of Americans can be described as psychopaths.
This makes it almost impossible to distinguish between a genuinely talented team leader and a psychopath, Babiak said. Hare told Horizon: "The higher the psychopathy, the better they looked – lots of charisma and they talk a good line.
"But if you look at their actual performance and ratings as a team player and productively, it's dismal. Looked good, performed badly.
"You have to think of psychopaths as having at their disposal a very large repertoire of behaviours. So they can use charm, manipulation, intimidation, whatever is required.
• Horizon: Are You Good Or Evil? is on BBC2 at 9pm on Wednesday 7 September
The study, conducted by the New York psychologist Paul Babiak, suggests that they disguise the condition by hiding behind their high status, playing up their charm and by manipulating others.
Favourable environmental factors such as a happy childhood mean they can function in a workplace rather than channelling their energies in more violent or destructive ways. Revealing the results in a BBC Horizon documentary, Babiak said: "Psychopaths really aren't the kind of person you think they are.
"In fact, you could be living with or married to one for 20 years or more and not know that person is a psychopath.
"We have identified individuals that might be labelled 'the successful psychopath'.
"Part of the problem is that the very things we're looking for in our leaders, the psychopath can easily mimic.
"Their natural tendency is to be charming. Take that charm and couch it in the right business language and it sounds like charismatic leadership."
Babiak designed a 111-point questionnaire with Professor Bob Hare, of the University of British Columbia in Canada, a renowned expert in psychopathy. Hare believes about 1% of Americans can be described as psychopaths.
The survey suggests psychopaths are actually poor managerial performers but are adept at climbing the corporate ladder because they can cover up their weaknesses by subtly charming superiors and subordinates.
"But if you look at their actual performance and ratings as a team player and productively, it's dismal. Looked good, performed badly.
"You have to think of psychopaths as having at their disposal a very large repertoire of behaviours. So they can use charm, manipulation, intimidation, whatever is required.
"A psychopath can actually put themselves in your skin, intellectually not emotionally.
"They can tell what you're thinking, they can look at your body language, they can listen to what you're saying, but what they don't really do is feel what you feel.
"What this allows them to do is use words to manipulate and con and to interact with you without the baggage of feeling your pain."
• Horizon: Are You Good Or Evil? is on BBC2 at 9pm on Wednesday 7 September
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