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sexta-feira, 21 de agosto de 2009

Is it worthwhile? / Vale a pena?

Hussein (C), Ali (E), e Samira, crianças iraquianas feridas na guerra do Iraque, brincam durante sua visita a um museu infantil em Amã, Jordânia.
Hussein e Samira foram submetidos a várias cirurgias reparadoras e são duas, entre dúzias de crianças iraquianas que recebem sessões de terapia diárias realizadas pela organização humanitária francesa Médicins Sans Frontieres (Médicos sem Fronteiras).
Olho para elas e penso: como pode? O que essas crianças sofreram é inimaginável, e as marcará para sempre. Em nome do quê? George Bush e sua corja deveriam ser levados ao Tribunal Penal Internacional.
Hussein (C), Ali (L) and Samira, Iraqi children who were injured during the Iraq war, play during their visit to a children's museum in Amman, Jordan.
Both Hussein and Samira have undergone multiple reconstructive surgeries and are two of dozens of Iraqi children that attend the daily therapy sessions run by the French aid organization Medicins Sans Frontieres (Doctors Without Borders).
I look at them and wonder: how could it be? In the name of what? What these kids have suffered is unspeakable, and will mark their lives and souls for their lifetimes. George Bush and his gang should be submitted to a trial by the International Criminal Court.

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