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quarta-feira, 10 de dezembro de 2008

Efeitos "especiais" / Real special effects

O ator austríaco Daniel Hoevels quase morreu no palco, ao fazer o papel de um suicida que corta a própria garganta.
Acontece que a faca era de verdade, e Hoevels cortou mesmo a garganta, caiu no chão e foi aplaudido pelo desempenho e pelos "efeitos especiais" tão realistas.
Somente quando ele demorou a se levantar é que a audiência percebeu a tragédia, que quase redundou na sua morte.
Um pouco mais de força e um corte um tanto mais profundo, e o ator teria morrido.
A polícia agora investiga se a troca foi proposital ou mero engano, pois a faca verdaeira tinha ainda a etiqueta de preço.
Enganos sempre acontecem, então é preciso verificar tudo antes.
The character played by Daniel Hoevels was supposed to commit suicide in the drama with a blunt stage weapon but had instead been provided with a real blade.
He collapsed on stage with blood pouring from his neck and the audience started to applaud the spectacular special effects.
It was only when Hoevels, 30, failed to get up to take a bow at Vienna's Burgtheater in Austria that they realised something was wrong.
"The knife even still had the price tag on it," said one shocked police investigator.
The theatre's props manager is understood to have been quizzed by police about the knife, reported Austrian daily Osterreich.
The actor recovered after emergency treatment to his wound at a local hospital and appeared on stage the next night with a bandage around his neck.
"If Hoevels had hit an artery or cut only slightly deeper, he would have died on stage," a doctor said.
Always, always check things out!

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