O Telescópio Espacial Hubble da NASA/ESA captou esta visão da galáxia anã UGC 5497, que se parece um pouco com uma pitada de sal espalhada sobre veludo negro neste imagem.
O objeto é uma galáxia anã azul compacta infundida com aglomerados de estrelas recém-formadas. As estrelas azuis brilhantes que surgem nesses aglomerados ajdam a dar à galáxia uma aparência geral azulada que dura vários milhões de anos, até que essas estrelas de queima rápida explodam como supernovas.
A UGC 5497 é considerada parte do grupo de galáxias M 81, localizado a cerca de 12 milhões de anos luzda Terra, na constelação da Ursa Maior.
A UGC 5497 apareceu em uma pesquisa com um telescópio baseado no solo, em 2008, na busca por novas candidatas a galáxias anãs associadas à Messier 81.
The NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope has captured this view of the dwarf
galaxy UGC 5497, which looks a bit like salt sprinkled on black velvet
in this image.
The object is a compact blue dwarf galaxy that is infused with newly formed clusters of stars. The bright, blue stars that arise in these clusters help to give the galaxy an overall bluish appearance that lasts for several million years until these fast-burning stars explode as supernovae.
UGC 5497 is considered part of the M 81 group of galaxies, which is located about 12 million light-years away in the constellation Ursa Major (The Great Bear). UGC 5497 turned up in a ground-based telescope survey back in 2008 looking for new dwarf galaxy candidates associated with Messier 81.
The object is a compact blue dwarf galaxy that is infused with newly formed clusters of stars. The bright, blue stars that arise in these clusters help to give the galaxy an overall bluish appearance that lasts for several million years until these fast-burning stars explode as supernovae.
UGC 5497 is considered part of the M 81 group of galaxies, which is located about 12 million light-years away in the constellation Ursa Major (The Great Bear). UGC 5497 turned up in a ground-based telescope survey back in 2008 looking for new dwarf galaxy candidates associated with Messier 81.
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