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domingo, 2 de outubro de 2011

Purificação / Purification

Em Phuket, na Tailândia, um devoto do Santuário Chinês Bang Neow com um amortecedor de bicileta perfurando sua bochecha.  

Durante o festival anual vegetariano, devotos se cortam com espadas, perfuram suas bochechas com objetos ponteagudos e comotem outros atos dolorosos a fim de se purificarem, eliminando os pecados da comunidade.

A devotee of the Chinese Bang Neow Shrine with a bicycle shock absorber piercing his cheek, in Phuket, Thailand.

During the annual Vegetarian festival religious devotees slash themselves with swords, pierce their cheeks with sharp objects and commit other painful acts to purify themselves, taking on the sins of the community.

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