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sábado, 28 de novembro de 2009

Video: Governador Arruda recebe dinheiro / Bribery in Brazil

O governador de Brasília, José Roberto Arruda - DEM (esq.), aparece em vídeo, recebendo um maço de dinheiro.

Brasilia's (Brazil's Federal Capital) governor José Roberto Arruda (Left) appears on a video receiving a pack of money, supposed to contain about US$ 23,000 (R$50,000).

An endless succession of political scandals, comprehending bribery, parliamentary allowance misuse, second house invalid reibursements, MPs' air tickets sales, newspaper censorship, electoral propaganda abuse, and so on, and so forth.

Long is the list of policiticians' felonies. Worst of all, like a real banana republic, no one has been punished so far.

Most of them have the privilege of being prosecuted by the Supreme Court, which has never judged nor convicted anyone to date.

As if this wasn't enough, governors can only be prosecuted under license of the State Assemblies. As they usually have the majority of seats, such licenses are denied.

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