Barack Obama fechou um acordo de US$ 500 mil para a publicação de uma versão infantil resumida de seu livro "Dreams from my father".
Enquanto isso, o ex-presidente George Bush debuta na profissão de escritor, com seu livro de memórias, do qual já escreveu 30 mil palavras, em que falará de sua fé (dogmática, burra, inconsequente, retrógrada), sua decisão de abandonar o vício da bebida, e de sua "espertíssima" escolha de Dick Cheney para vice-presidente.
Mas soa estranho um cara que tem horror à leitura resolver escrever um livro. Se um dos principais requisitos para escrever bem é ler muito, imaginem a porcaria que será o livro de Gorge W. Bush.
President Barack Obama signed a $500,000 book deal five days before he entered the White House, his Senate financial disclosure report has revealed.
The deal was part of an arrangement negotiated by the lawyer Robert Barnett with Crown Publishing, a division of Random House, involving an abridged version of his book "Dreams From My Father" for children. Meanwhile...Mr Bush is said to have already written 30,000 words and will cover his faith, his decision to stop drinking, and his choice of Dick Cheney as his vice-president.
Mr Barnett also negotiated the deal for former president Bill Clinton's memoirs. Well, it sounds rather can a man who isn't very much acquainted to reading write a decent book?
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