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quinta-feira, 30 de agosto de 2012


Se voar preso à asa de uma avião já é uma façanha e tanto, que dirá fazê-lo com o biplano voando de dorso!

A ginasta medalista de bronze olimpica Beth Tweddle pratica o wingwalking (caminhar pela asa, literalmente) com a equipe Breitling. Ela se arrisca tanto em esportes radicais que já nem liga mais para o risco de se machucar (ou morrer).

If flying on a plane attached to its wing is such a feat by itself, figure out doing it on a plane flying upside down!

Olympic bronze medal gymnast Beth Tweddle goes wingwalking with the Breitling.She is throwing caution to the wind and trying out a series of dangerous sports now that she no longer has to worry about getting injured (or dying).

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