Há mais coisas envolvidas no desenho de um carro que atinge mais de 1.600 km/h que potência pura.
Richard Noble, detentor do recorde de velocidade no solo entre 1983 e 1997, e os cientistas que atuam no Bloodhound SSC explicam a extrema aerodinâmica e engenharia que eles esperam permitirá que seu carro bata o recorde e se torne o carro mais rápido da Terra.
There's more to designing a car that can travel at more than 1,000mph
than raw power.
Richard Noble, holder of the land speed record between 1983 and 1997, and the scientists behind Bloodhound SSC explain the extreme aerodynamics and engineering they hope will allow their car to shatter the record and become the fastest car on Earth.
Richard Noble, holder of the land speed record between 1983 and 1997, and the scientists behind Bloodhound SSC explain the extreme aerodynamics and engineering they hope will allow their car to shatter the record and become the fastest car on Earth.
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