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quarta-feira, 7 de março de 2012


As água gélidas do Mar Báltico circundam a maior ilha alemã, Rÿgen. 

A saliência na parte central superior da image é o local do Parque Nacional Jasmund, com seus magníficos penhascos brancos. 

Placas de gelo marinho cobrem as água circundantes, englobando as costas da Ilha com suas várias penínsulas. As linhas brancas que cortam grandes proções de água cobertas de gelo são remanescentes de barcos quebra-gelo e navios.

The icy waters of the Baltic Sea surrounding Germany's largest island, RŸgen.

The knob in the upper-central portion of the image is home to the Jasmund National Park and its magnificent white chalk cliffs. Sea ice blankets the surrounding waters, hugging the island's shores with its many peninsulas. 

The white lines that cut through larger ice-covered bodies of water are the remnants of ice-breaking boats and ships.

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