A new animation produced by scientists in Germany shows the 8.9 Richter magnitude earthquake that struck northern Japan on March 11 was preceded two days earlier by a strong foreshock measuring 7.2 in almost exactly the same place. Information that had already been released by NASA many days ago.
Astronomia, astrofísica, astrogeologia, astrobiologia, astrogeografia. O macro Universo em geral, deixando de lado os assuntos mundanos. Um olhar para o sublime Universo que existe além da Terra e transcende nossas brevíssimas vidas. Astronomy astrophysics, astrogeology, astrobiology, astrogeography. The macro Universe in general, putting aside mundane subjects. A look at the sublime Universe that exists beyond Earth and transcends our rather brief life spans.
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sexta-feira, 18 de março de 2011
Quake new animation video / Vídeo de animação com novas informações sobre o maremoto
Uma nova animação produzida por cientistas alemães mostra que o maremoto de magnitude 8,9 Richeter que atingiu a costa norte do japão em 11 de março foi precedido em dois dias por um forte choque prévio, medindo 7,2 Richeter, quase no mesmo local, informação que já havia sido dada pela NASA há dias.
A new animation produced by scientists in Germany shows the 8.9 Richter magnitude earthquake that struck northern Japan on March 11 was preceded two days earlier by a strong foreshock measuring 7.2 in almost exactly the same place. Information that had already been released by NASA many days ago.
A new animation produced by scientists in Germany shows the 8.9 Richter magnitude earthquake that struck northern Japan on March 11 was preceded two days earlier by a strong foreshock measuring 7.2 in almost exactly the same place. Information that had already been released by NASA many days ago.
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