Baveja, que pagou 80 dólares pela desventura, sofreu ruptura do baço, do fígado e colapso pulmonar, mas sobreviveu, após um mês internado em um hospital de

Briton Rishi Baveja took a bungee jump in Thailand but the rope came loose and he hit the water below Rishi Baveja prepares for his 165ft (50m) bungee jump at the Jungle Bungee centre in Kathu, Thailand Baveja paid US$ 80 for the experience.
The cord springs back and he enters the water. He suffered a ruptured spleen, torn liver and collapsed lungs. He spent a month in hospital in Bangkok after an emergency surgery. Considering his bad luck having the accident, one can say he was lucky to survive, once a spleen and a liver rupture at the same time is not little. It's strange how people risk their lives trusting a system whose realiability and safety they don't have the faintest chance to check out. Last week, my son jumped from one of these crazy bungees. Never again, I swear.
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