Desembargador Dácio Vieira (à esquerda na foto), que determinou censura, é ligado a Sarney e Agaciel. Judge Dácio Vieira (L), who imposed censorship on one of Brazil's most influent newpapers, "O Estado de São Paulo", prohibiting any comments on Senate president José Sarney and his family - under a torrent of corruption charges -, and his acquaintances, sen. Josè Sarney, mr. Agaciel Maia, former Senate general director, and sen. Renan Calheiros, former Senate president, who resigned under corruption charges. In a certain aspect, Brazil goes backwards, to practices adopted when ruled by military dictators. It's very likely that higher courts will drop the shameful, unconstitutional measure, but this democratic gap is a bad omen.
Astronomia, astrofísica, astrogeologia, astrobiologia, astrogeografia. O macro Universo em geral, deixando de lado os assuntos mundanos. Um olhar para o sublime Universo que existe além da Terra e transcende nossas brevíssimas vidas. Astronomy astrophysics, astrogeology, astrobiology, astrogeography. The macro Universe in general, putting aside mundane subjects. A look at the sublime Universe that exists beyond Earth and transcends our rather brief life spans.
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