Nas curvas, Dick chegava a patinar na vertical, a 90 graus, e necessitava do máximo de tração possível. Felizmente, tudo saiu conforme planejado. Consumindo dois meses planejando a atrevida façanha, Dirk projetou e fabricou os enormes patins, tarefa que lhe consumiu 11o horas de trabalho.
Dirk, de Gross-Gerau, perto de Frankfurt, é considerado o mais radical patinador in-line do mundo. Além disso, ele detém o recorde de velocidade, quando atingiu 307 km/h, rebocado por um Porsche GT2.
"After this some of the sides were so high that at times I was at 90 degrees and so it was very important to have as much traction as possible". Luckily everything went according to plan - it was a lot of fun" Spending two months planning the outrageous stunt, Dirk also designed and made the monster skates, which took him a total of 110 hours of work.
Dirk, from Gross-Gerau near Frankfurt, is considered to be the most extreme inline-skater in the world. He already holds the world record for reaching speeds of 307 km/h as he was dragged along behind a Porsche GT2 .
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