Um país fundado em 1948, uma ditadura mais fechada e longeva que Cuba, paupérrima, mas que gasta 40 bilhões em armamentos e tem o terceiro exército do mundo.
O povo passa fome, a guerra é quase uma realidade e a China não quer nem ouvir falar em absorver milhões de refugiados.
O tempo passou para Kim-Il Sung, que teve e ainda tem o poder absoluto nas mãos.
Os norcoreanos o chamam de "Nosso Querido Líder", em público, porque a sós...
A country founded in 1948, a dictatorship even more hermetic and long lasting than Cuba, as poor as the caribbean island, the people starving, but USD 40 billion are spent in weaponry. War is almost a fact, and China doesn't even want to hear from the millions that would flee into it. Time has passed for Kim Il-Sung, who had, and still has, absolute power in his hands. But time is running out. People call him "Our Beloved Leader", but only in public... Power buys fear, but not respect, nor love. Sixty-one years of tyrany, so far. How much longer? Who will inherit power, his 23-year son or some unknown, well-intented "betrayer" who'll, at so long last, let those people live for real?
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