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sexta-feira, 29 de maio de 2009

Orphanage / Orfanato

Bebês elefantes órfãos brincam na lama enquanto seus tratadores e turistas observam no David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust em Nairobi, Quênia.
O centro, inaugurado em 1976, em memória do naturalista David Sheldrick, cuida de elefantes e rinocerontes órfãos ou abandonados, criando-os até que tenham idade suficiente para ser soltos na Natureza.
Nairobi, Kenya: Orphaned baby elephants play in the mud while their keepers and tourists watch at the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust.
The centre, which was established in 1976 in memory of naturalist David Sheldrick, cares for abandoned or orphaned elephants and rhinos by hand-rearing them until they are old enough to be released back into the wild.

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