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quarta-feira, 8 de abril de 2009

O gel do prazer / Durex's pleasure gel

Mulheres podem ter orgasmo na televisão antes das 23 horas, ou, ao menos, simular um, sem causar ofensa generalizada, segundo as autoridades regulatórias inglesas.

O caso diz respeito a um anúncio do "gel do prazer" feminino Durex, um tradicional fabricante de preservativos. O anúncio é uma montagem de cenas de mulheres simulando atingir o clímax ao som da Ária Rainha da Noite, da Flauta Mágica de Mozart.
It was given a post-11pm restriction by the TV ad clearance body Clearcast, but ran on Channel 4 at 10.05pm, prompting a complaint to the ASA that it was "offensive and overly graphic".
O Debate a respeito da propriedade de se relaxar as restrições para anúncios de preservativos e conselhos sobre aborto tem se acirrado, conforme Broadcast Committee of Advertising Practice. Grupos contrários dizem que esses anúncios só aumentam as taxas de gravidez adolescente e sexualiza as pessoas. Como se as garotas e os garotos não conversassem exaustivamente sobre sexo entre eles.
No caso da campanha da Durex, a agência McCann Erikson, falando em favor de seu cliente, o fabricante de preservativos SSL International, disse que o produto era um gel para mulheres, que potencializa o orgasmo, e que eles perceberam que "deve haver sensibilidades em torno de como poderia ser propagandeado".
Do meu ponto de vista, acho a peça bonita, não tem nada de escandaloso ou ofensivo.

Women may orgasm on television before 11pm, or at least appear to do so, without causing widespread offence, according to a ruling by the Advertising Standards Authority.

The case concerned an ad for a Durex female "pleasure gel", which featured a montage of women seemingly reaching climax to the Queen of the Night Aria from Mozart's Magic Flute.

It was given a post-11pm restriction by the TV ad clearance body Clearcast, but ran on Channel 4 at 10.05pm, prompting a complaint to the ASA that it was "offensive and overly graphic". The ruling proves, says the ad industry, that the regulatory system will be effective in controlling any explicit ads when a ban on condom commercials before 9pm is waived. Debate has raged about the wisdom of relaxing TV advertising rules for condoms and abortion advice since proposals to do so were unveiled by the Broadcast Committee of Advertising Practice. Campaigning groups have argued that allowing condom ads pre-watershed, a move designed to curb the UK's rising teenage pregnancy rate, will "only serve to sexualise young people".

In the case of the campaign for Durex, the ad agency McCann Erickson, responding on behalf of its client, the condom-maker SSL International, said that the product was an "orgasm enhancing" gel for women and they realised that "there might be sensitivities surrounding how it could be advertised".

The agency believed that the ad was unlikely to be seen by under-12s and that its "overall tone and visual style conformed to accepted norms and current standards of decency". Channel 4 said it ran the TV ad before the 11pm restriction because from "time to time" it deemed that ads should be run next to "appropriate programming" earlier in the evening. The Durex ad ran just before the film Venus in a "conscious scheduling decision". The ASA said that despite the ad being run earlier than Clearcast's scheduling advice it considered the TV ad was "unlikely to cause offence to viewers".

"We considered that this ad was not overly graphic, contained no explicit material and was unlikely to cause offence, provided it was scheduled appropriately."

In my opinion, the ad is beautiful, creative and non offensive.

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